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Past events - 2024

Turfhouse event


GBCI and Lendager Iceland held a morning meeting about turf houses at Norræna húsið on october 8th. 

The event included lectures about the history of turf houses, their carbon footprint, and what can be learned from the past about circularity in future building projects. 

Hjörleifur Stefánsson, a turf house expert, spoke about the final era of the Icelandic turf house in the first decades of the 20th century.

Katarzyna Jagodzińska from GBCI explained a Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) done on a model turfhouse, which serves as a baseline for further conceptual investigation of how to adopt “past” techniques and materials in modern design and build circularly.


Arnhildur Pálmadóttir from Lendager Iceland spoke about the future of building with circularity, and the opportunities to learn from the past.  


Recording of the meeting can be found here.


Green Building Council Day 2024


The Day of Green Building, GBCI's annual conference, was held in IÐNÓ on the 25th of September.


Keynote speaker was Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov. Kasper is a Danish architect who specializes in transforming complex environmental and social challenges into innovative, sustainable building solutions, promoting inclusive design and inspiring social change. He has been actively involved in numerous construction projects whose main goal is to minimize CO2 emissions, and at the same time demonstrate that low-carbon buildings can be built without costing more.​

Moderator was Freyr Eyjólfsson, musician, entertainer, media person, and current project manager of education and promotions at SORPA. Freyr has long advocated for the transformation towards a circular economy, not least in the construction sector.​

On the agenda was a diverse set of lectures on the design and construction of environmentally friendly buildings, as well as a panel discussion about needs and proposed solutions in the industry. The full agenda can be seen here below. 

At the end of the day the Green shovel was awarded to Urriðaból, a kindergarten in Garðabær. 

DGB Dagskrá 18.09.PNG

Launching event of the Icelandic network on circular construction - Hringvangur


At this half-day conference, among other things, the status, challenges and future of Icelandic timber products for the construction industry were discussed, but in addition several projects were presented that received funding from the Askur - Construction Research Fund and examples of Icelandic structures made of timber were shown.


The conference was part of the Innovation Week and was held by Green Building Council Iceland, the Housing and Construction Authority, Land and Forestry, Trétækniráðgjöf slf., and Iceland's Farmers' Association.

Agenda (In Icelandic)

  • Loftslagsávinningur timburvara

    • Áróra Árnadóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Grænni byggðar og aðjúnkt hjá umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræðideild HÍ

  • CE merking og staðlavinna

    • Eiríkur Þorsteinsson, trétæknir hjá Trétækniráðgjöf

  • Áskoranir,  staða og framtíð íslenskra timburvara

    • Ólafur Eggertsson, sérfræðingur hjá Land og skógi og dósent við LBHÍ

  • Timbur sem efni í nærumhverfinu - Landsfjórðungahús

    • Auður Hreiðarsdóttir, arkitekt hjá Esja Architecture

  • Krosslímdar timbureiningar – áhættuþættir og meðhöndlun

    • Gústaf Adolf Hermannsson, sérfræðingur hjá HMS​


  • Mannvirki úr íslensku timbri

    • Hreinn Óskarsson, sviðsstjóri þjóðskóga og landa,og Trausti Jóhannsson, skógarvörður hjá Landi og skógi

  • Tækifæri í timbri

    • Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, arkitekt og eigandi Lendager á Íslandi

  • Íslenskt timbur

    • Hlynur Axelsson, arkitekt hjá HAX arkitektúr og stundakennari við Listaháskóla Íslands

  • Gestastofa í Þjórsárdal

    • Marcos Zotes, arkitekt og meðeigandi hjá Basalt arkitektum

  • Val á íslensku timbri

    • Halldór Eiríksson T.ark.

Fundarstjóri var Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri hjá HMS

Upptöku má finna hér


Annual General Meeting


GBCI's annual general meeting was held on April 24 from 14:00 - 16:00 in the Verkís building at Ofanleiti 2.

Before the usual meeting work began, Magnús Arason and Björgvin Brynjarsson from EFLA gave a presentation on Carbon calculations for infrastructure projects, and Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from HMS discussed the implementation of life cycle analyzes in building regulations.

Five seats on the board were elected, four to two years and one to one year.

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With sustainability as a life's work


On Thursday, March 21, the University of Iceland, the Architects' Association of Iceland, Green Building Council Iceland and HMS held a seminar on the sustainable solutions of architect Jón Kristinsson on the occasion of Jón's 60th work anniversary. The seminar took place in Veröld - Hús Vigdísar, and lasted from 15.00-17.00.

Jón has lived in Deventer in the Netherlands for most of his life and studied architecture at Delft University of Technology, where he later held the position of professor in environmental technology and design. He is known for having designed the most eco-friendly building in the Netherlands and is widely known for his inventions in the field of sustainability. On the first of last January, Jón was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon for pioneering work in ecological building design on the international stage.


  • Opening

    • Sigríður Maack chairman of the Icelandic Association of Architects, and Sigurður Magnús Garðarsson, president of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland, welcome guests

  • Integrated sustainable design by Jón Kristinsson

    • Andy van den Dobbelsteen PhD, Professor at Delft University of Technology.

  • Frequency of moisture damage and quality of indoor air - can the problem be reduced with heat exchange on ventilation?

    • Björn Marteinsson architect and civil engineer and former teacher at UI.

  • In the beginning, the end should be considered

    • Arnhildur Pálmadóttir architect talks about sustainable building

  • Panel discussion​

    • Jón Kristinsson, architect and guest of honor; Koos Slootweg, engineer; Þórhildur Fjóla Kristjánsdóttir, engineer; Björn Marteinsson, architect; Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, architect and Andy van den Dobbelsteen, engineer


Moderator: Guðrún Ingvarsdóttir architect


Workshop on environmental conditions in tenders and construction contracts


Central Public Procurement, the Federation of Icelandic Industries, the Housing and Construction Authority and Green Building Council Iceland called for an open conversation about environmental conditions in tenders and construction contracts in Iceland. The meeting took place on Wednesday, March 6 at 14.00 to15.30 in Hús atvinnulífsins in Borgartún 35, in the meeting hall Hyl.


  • Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from the Housing and Construction Authority reviewed the criteria and objectives of action 6.4 in the Roadmap towards sustainable construction 2030.

  • Sveinbjörn Ingi Grímsson from Central Public Procurement discussed about scope in public procurement to apply environmental conditions within the legal framework.

  • Áróra Árnadóttir, CEO of Green Building Council Iceland, discusses the results of a response survey on the use of environmental conditions in tenders and work contracts for the purchase of services and goods in the civil engineering sector in Iceland.

  • Ragnar Ómarsson project manager at Verkís hf. deals with the topic of environmental conditions in Nordic models and Icelandic ideas.

  • A workshop with open discussions at work tables on priorities and priorities in harmonized environmental conditions for tenders and selection criteria for tenders.


The moderator was Elísa Arnarsdóttir, business manager of the housing division at the Federation of Icelandic Industries


Slides from the meeting can be accessed here.

Eco Building

Let's talk about the circular economy


The event Let's talk about the circular economy was held in Gróska on 28 February at 13.00 - 15.30.

After discussions with stakeholders, we know that there are numerous actions that can be taken to facilitate the introduction of the circular economy in the Icelandic construction industry.


  • But which actions should be prioritized?

  • What should public bodies emphasize in order to promote the implementation?

We summarized the possible actions that were discussed, in these three categories:

  • Improved architectural design

  • Correct recording of the environmental impact of new buildings and renovations

  • Reduce risk and improve the efficiency of circular projects

In the second part of the event, participants were asked to answer which activities, aimed at facilitating circular construction, the Nordic Council of Ministers should focus on. They were also invited to answer the question: what should the Nordic countries strive for at the European level?


Webinar: Emission-free construction sites: Knowledge gaps and research needs


In the middle of February, we held an online event where we presented a new version related to emission-free construction sites in the project Nordic Sustainable Construction, but the report points out where the focus should lie in knowledge acquisition and experimental projects.

You can now watch a recording of the event and view slides here.

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