The Green Shovel Award was awarded for the first time on Green Building Day 2022. It is a recognition of a structure that has been built with an excellent ecological and sustainable focus. The award has its roots in action 6.9. in the Roadmap to Green Building Construction 2030 (6.9. í Vegvísi að vistvænni mannvirkjagerð 2030 - in Icelandic):
About the Award
Last winter, a competition took place among the students of the Iceland University of the Arts (Listaháskóli Íslands) to design the prize. Hekla Dís Pálsdóttir won that competition, and the prize was based on her design. In 2022, the prize was made of Icelandic graystone. Arngrímur Guðmundsson was in charge of preparing working drawings, Steinsmiðjan was in charge of cutting the graystone, and Stálnaust did the water-cutting.
Opið var fyrir tilnefningar mannvirkja til Grænu Skóflunnar frá því í lok apríl til 15. ágúst. Mörg framúrskarandi verkefni voru tilnefnd í ár, og voru mannvirkin fjölbreytt, allt frá stórum stofnunum til tilraunakenndra smáhýsa. Dómnefnd var skipuð stjórn Grænni byggðar, og voru verðlaunin veitt á Degi Grænni byggðar í lok september.
Í niðurstöðu dómnefndar segir um mannvirkið:
Þessi bygging bar af. Allt frá upphafi markaðist hönnun mannvirkisins af sjálfbærni, hvort sem litið er til framkvæmda- eða rekstrartíma. Áhersla var lögð á efnisval, innivist, orkumál og góða umhverfisstjórnun. Lífsferilsgreiningar og líftímakostnaðargreiningar voru notaðar við ákvarðanatöku í hönnun. Dagsbirtugreiningar voru framkvæmdar ásamt hljóðvistagreiningum. Sem dæmi má nefna að hljóðverkfræðingur skoðaði sérstaklega kröfur um hljóðvist fyrir notendur með sérstakar heyrnar- og samskiptaþarfir.
Segja má að einstakur metnaður hafi verið lagður í að tryggja vellíðan vistmanna samhliða því að draga úr neikvæðum umhverfisáhrifum byggingarinnar.
Það var mikill samrómur innan dómnefndar og ég held að við séum sammála um að hér sé á ferðinni verkefni sem sýnir:
• Framúrskarandi hönnun
• Fer lengra en að uppfylla bara skilyrði
• Setur ný viðmið fyrir aðbúnað hjúkrunarheimila með vistvænum áherslum
• Tryggir samfélagslega sjálfbærni
Mannvirkið sem hlaut Grænu skófluna árið 2023 er Móberg - hjúkrunarheimili í Árborg.
Móberg er í eigu Sveitarfélagsins Árborg og Heilbrigðisráðuneytisins, og er rekið af HSU.
Að hönnun og framkvæmd stóðu eftirtaldir aðilar:
→Umsjón hönnunar og framkvæmda: FSRE
→Arkitektar: Urban arkitektar ehf. og Loop Architects (DK)
→Verkfræðihönnun: Verkfræðistofa Reykjavíkur ehf.
→Rafkerfahönnun: Liska ehf.
→Ljósvistarhönnun: Liska ehf.
→Brunahönnun: Mannvit hf.
→Landslag: Hornsteinar arkitektar ehf.
→Hljóðhönnun: Brekke Strand (NO)
→Algild hönnun og ráðgjöf: Harpa Cilia Ingólfsdóttir
→Aðalverktaki: Eykt ehf.
Early this summer, the nominations for the award were opened. Numerous nominations were received from various sources across the country, and the nominations spanned a very wide range of civil engineering, from smaller bridge projects, single-family houses and extensions, to large-scale service facilities and apartment buildings.
After a review by a jury, which, this time, was made up of the board of Green Building Council Iceland, one structure was chosen to receive the prize. The jury felt this project stood out quite a bit in many areas.
What the jury's verdict said about the structure:
During the preparation of the structure, care has been taken in setting goals for the project, both in terms of the social activities that the structure accommodates and the specifications that should be included in its design.
When solving the design, a life cycle analysis (LCA) was used for the structure as a whole, which supports the credibility that the building is environmentally friendly and prevents greenwashing. A comparison of the environmental impact of building materials was also made, and the designers' choice of materials was based on its results, which shapes the building's overall and natural appearance.
The construction instructions and the project's goals were reflected in the contractor's work and the owner's follow-up with BREEAM certification of design and construction will confirm how the project's sustainability goals will be achieved.
The project was a renovation of an older building, where every effort was made to make the best use of the existing concrete structure. This ensured that the construction process was easier than otherwise and prevented the unnecessary production and transportation of new building materials. As such, the building is a worthy model for future reconstructions of older structures.
The structure that received the Green Shovel in 2022 is the Brákarborg preschool in Reykjavík at Kleppsvegi 150-152.
Brákarborg is owned by the City of Reykjavík.
The following parties were responsible for the design and implementation:
→ Efla hf. supervised the life cycle analyses (LCA);
→ Arkamon ehf. was in charge of structural design;
→ Teknik verkfræðistofa ehf. designed the piping;
→ Liska ehf. designed the electrical system and lighting;
→ Kanon arkitektar ehf. were in charge of landscape design;
→ fire design was in the hand of Mannvit hf.;
→ the contractor was Þarfaþing hf.;
→ BREEAM certification was under the supervision of Verkís hf.