Past events - 2021
Nordic GBC Webinar #3: Renovation of buildings and the Circular Economy
The webinar was organised by Green Building Council Denmark within the Nordic Green Building Councils Network initiative. Arnhildur Pálmadóttir (architect at sap architects) and Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir (the board member of Green Building Council Iceland and Docent at the University of Iceland) represented Green Building Council Iceland. Among other things, they presented a new BM Vallá's project on circular concrete. Slides from the event (in English) are available here:
→ Introduction to circular economy
(Lau Raffnsøe, Technical director, Green Building Council Denmark);
→ Sweden: Recycle and reuse an entire building
(Magnus Tengberg, Head of real estate, Gothenburg Region, Vasakronan);
→ Norway: First circular building
(Trond Simonsen, Manager sustainability, Entra ASA);
→ Finland: Circular approaches to planning in Hartaanselänranta, Oulu
(Tuuli Kassi, Circular economy specialist/Architect, Ethica Finland);
(Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, Architect, sap architects & Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Docent, the University of Iceland);
→ Denmark: Construction waste reused as resources in new constructions in the initiative City Loop
(Klaus Kellermann, Sustainability architect, Roskilde Municipality).
Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2021
The conference Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2021 was held on September 27, 2021, at 8-13. The event took place in English. Further information can be found here.
→ Moderator's welcome
(Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Board member of Green Bulding Council Iceland);
→ Opening words
(Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister of Social Affairs in Iceland);
→ On time and water
(Andri Snær Magnason, Writer);
→ Oslo: How to reduce GHG emissions by 95% by 2030?
(Heidi Sørensen, Director of Oslo’s Climate Agency);
→ European Commission: Construction products regulation and Environmental product declarations
(Tapani Mikkeli, Head of Sector, Sustainable Construction, European Commission, DG GROW);
→ Status and current issues from academia
(Jukka Heinonen, Professor, University of Iceland and Aalto University in Finland);
→ Status and current issues from authority
(Kristina Einarsson, Boverket, Sweden & Luzie Rück, Bolig- og Planstyrelsen, Denmark);
→ Status and current issues from industry
(Björt Ólafsdóttir, Real Estate Developer, Iða and former Minister of the Environment in Iceland);
→ Implementation of limit values in the Netherlands
(Jos Verlinden, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations in the Netherlands);
→ Limit values in the Nordic countries
(Matti Kuittinen, Senior advisor, Ministry of the Environment in Finland);
→ Roundtable discussion: Limit values and Nordic harmonisation
World Green Building Week 2021
In September every year, the so-called "Green building week" is organized by the World Green Building Council. This year, the main topic is "Building resilience", which deals with how to build resilience in the built environment. More information about the event can be found here.

Green Building Day 2021
The annual Green Building Day was held in IÐNÓ this year on Thursday, 2nd September. The talks were given by leading professionals in design, planning and civil engineering, where sustainability in the built environment will be the guiding principle. The event was held in Icelandic but two presentations was given in English.
Unfortunately, the recording of the meeting was lost and streaming is not available this year.
Facebook event can be found here.
Moderator: Elín Hirst
Opening speech: Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland
→ Catastrophic warming as an icentive for change (in English)
(Jukka Heinonen, Professor, Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering, the University of Iceland);
Jukka Heinonen's presentation:

→ Græn framtíðí í Hafnarfirði
(Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, Mayor of Hafnarfjörður);
→ Tækifæri og áskoranir við það að fjármagna grænni byggð
(Kristrún Tinna Gunnarsdóttir, Head of Strategy & Sustainability, Íslandsbanki);
→ Grænþvotturinn leysir ekki loftslagsmálin
(Þorsteinn Víglundsson, CEO, Hornstein ehf);
→ Kynning á fagviðurkenningunni Græna skóflan
(Ragnar Ómarsson, Chairman of the Green Building Council Iceland board);
→ The change that has taken place in the Norwegian construction industry in terms of sustainability, and the drivers behind this change (á ensku)
(Marit Kindem Thyholt, Chief adviser on climate and environment, Skanska);
Marit Kindem Thyholt's presentation:
→ Grænir hvatar í tengslum við uppbyggingu og rekstur fasteigna með fókus á atvinnuhúsnæði
(Friðjón Sigurðarsson, Executive director, Reitir);
→ Innri og ytri hvatar í umhverfismálum
(Hrólfur Karl Cela, Architect, Basalt);
(Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, Specialist, Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun).
Morning meeting - Energy transition at the construction site
On June 3, Grænni organized an exciting seminar in collaboration with Landsvirkjun, Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun, and Green Energy. The topic of the seminar was energy transition at the construction site.
The live video can be found here (in Icelandic).

Nordic GBC Webinar #2: How can we half emissions from construction in two?
The webinar was organized by the Norwegian Green Building Council with the Nordic GBC Network initiative. Recordings of the presentations are available here:
→ Our sector as a solution to the Paris Agreement
(Katharina Th. Bramslev, CEO, Norwegian Green Building Council)
→ Marked initiatives and common practice in our countries
(CEOs from the GBCs in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland)
→ Concrete goes low carbon in Denmark
(Jan Søndergaard Hansen, Managing director, Unicon A/S)
→ Nordic collaboration for low carbon construction
(Matti Kuittinen, Senior advisor, Ministry of the Environment in Finland)
→ Low carbon dwellings in Iceland
(Benedikt Ingi Tómasson, General manager, Vistbyggð)
→ Lidl Visby and Noll CO2- why and how?
(Mattias Tas, Sustainability manager, Lidl)
Annual Green Building Council Iceland Meeting
The meeting agenda depends on the general meeting duties according to the GBCI's bylaws and was as follows:
1. The board's report on the GBCI's work in the past year.
2. The board's work plan for the next working year.
3. The board's budget for the following operating year.
4. Invoice submission.
5. Proposals and changes to the GBCI's bylaws.
6. Election of the board of directors.
7. Inspectors' remuneration (cf. Article 9)
8. Other matters.
Minutes of the general meeting can be found here (in Icelandic).
Strategy meeting with GBCI' partners

Lectures on sustainability in the construction industry
IĐAN educational centre and Green Building Council Iceland organised a series of lectures on the sustainability of the construction industry:
1. BYKO's sustainability and environmental strategy.
2. Purchase of building materials and Iceland's first Swan-certified residential building.
3. Swan-certified Kársnes School and Húsasmiðinn's environmental policy.
4. Socially certified Selfoss and vision of sustainability.
5. Innivist and the "unsustainable generation".
6. Garbage as a resource and reuse of structures.

See all the lectures that have been given and recordings from them (in Icelandic) on the IDUNNAR website here.