Nordic Green Building Councils Network
To strengthen the transition of Nordic countries to more sustainable, together with Green Building Council (GBC) Denmark, GBC Finland, GBC Norway, and GBC Sweden, we established the Nordic Green Building Councils Network (Nordic GBC Network).
We realise our goals by, among others:
- organising Nordic Green Building Council Conferences in 2011, 2013, and 2015;
- realising the Nordic Urban Development project (2014-2015) aiming at creating the framework for sustainable urban development;
- realising the Nordic Guide to Sustainable Materials project (2014-2015) aiming at creating guidelines on sustainable, functional criteria for building materials, which included specificity of the Nordic construction market (e.g., materials, production methods, practices used, legislation, and market drivers).
- organising educational and professional webinars:

> Nordic GBC Webinar #6: Nordic Sustainable Infrastructure Webinar (13/09/2023);
> Nordic GBC Webinar #5: Circular Economy in the Real Estate and Construction Sector (03/10/2022);
> Nordic GBC Webinar #4: Resilience and Climate Adaptation (19/01/2022);
> Nordic GBC Webinar #3: Renovation of buildings and the Circular Economy (30/09/2021);
> Nordic GBC Webinar #2: How can we half emissions from construction in two? (27/05/2021).